SOE organises the Spirit of Enterprise (SOE) Awards annually to honour and recognise our local business entrepreneurs’ achievements. Award honourees are evaluated and selected from the pool of SOE nominees interviewed by student interviewers, and are exemplary role models who have contributed towards the economic development of Singapore.

The SOE Awards provides a platform for local entrepreneurs to be recognised for their entrepreneurial excellence, therefore encouraging innovation, fair practices and growth in entrepreneurship. The Awards also exemplifies the commitment of the local community that has come together to promote entrepreneurship in Singapore, having recognised and supported over 550 entrepreneurs in their journey to build sustainable businesses.

Over the last 17 years, some notable past honourees include entrepreneurs from Charles & Keith, Cordlife, Dian Xiao Er,, Neo Group Pte Ltd, Ong & Ong Pte Ltd, PropNex Realty, Scanteak and Ya Kun Kaya Toast, amongst other home-grown brand names.

SOE-CLA Global TS Entrepreneurship Award

(nomination by Judging Panel only)

Presented annually to a past SOE Honouree who has taken their enterprise to new heights. The recipient of this Award is announced only during the Presentation Ceremony at the SOE Awards.

SOE Awards

Given out to entrepreneurs from established companies (more than five years in operation) who embody exemplary qualities.

SOE-Neo Start-Up Award

Given out to entrepreneurs from promising start-up enterprises (who have operated for five years or less) in Singapore.

SOE-PropNex Top Honouree of the Year Award

(nomination by Judging Panel only)

Presented to one honouree selected from all the honourees for that year, recognising the cream of the crop from among top entrepreneurs. The recipient of this Award is announced only during the Presentation Ceremony at the SOE Awards.

SOE-Dian Xiao Er Social Contributions Award

(nomination by Judging Panel only)

A new award category introduced for the first time in 2019. One individual from among that year’s honourees will be selected as the recipient of this award; he/she must be one who has made a sustainable impact to the community. The recipient of this Award is announced only during the Presentation Ceremony at the SOE Awards.

SOE-EATZ Sustainability Award

(nomination by Judging Panel only)

The most recent award category first introduced in 2022. The introduction of this award is a reminder of the responsibilities that companies bear towards our environment and also a reward for companies that have started the good work towards addressing our sustainability issues. The recipient of this Award is announced only during the Presentation Ceremony at the SOE Awards.

Overview and Process

Getting Nominated

The SOE Board of Governors, tertiary students, members of the public or any other interested parties may submit their nominations to the Spirit of Enterprise at Nomination is free.

Preliminary Screening

All nominations received will be screened by SOE based on the prescribed qualifying criteria to ascertain eligibility.


SOE’s appointed Student Interviewers will contact shortlisted Nominees to arrange for interviews. All interviews will be carried out via video conferencing, and recorded for transcribing purposes.

Preparation of
Interview Reports

Student Interviewers will prepare interview reports, audio recordings, supporting documents and photographs for submission to SOE for judging. Prior to submission, Student Interviewers will present the reports and materials to Nominees for vetting and clearance.

Judging and Selection

The SOE Board of Governors will review all submitted interview reports and supporting documents, perform stringent evaluation based on the prescribed judging criteria, before selecting the year’s Award Honourees.

Awards Presentation Ceremony

All Award Honourees will be announced at the Presentation Ceremony during the SOE Awards, and be presented with Award trophies by the Guest-of-Honour.

Qualifying Criteria

  • Nominee must be a Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent Resident, and at least 21 years old
  • Company must be registered and currently operating in Singapore, and must have been in operation for at least the past three years (for established companies)
  • Company has good standing in the industry and with the relevant authorities, and is not involved in any legal proceedings
  • Company must have at least 30% local equity and the nominated entrepreneur must own at least 30% of the shares. Government investment programme should not be a principal shareholder of the company

Participation Requirements

  • The SOE Awards is open for nomination by SOE’s Board of Governors, SOE Alumni, appointed Student Interviewers and entrepreneurs (self-nomination)
  • All nominees must complete the nomination form and submit the required supporting documents to SOE for preliminary screening to ensure that qualifying criteria have been met
  • Appointed Student Interviewers will contact shortlisted nominees for interviews and site visits, submit their interview reports and documents, and the judging panel will review and make the final selection of awardees

Award Acceptance Conditions

  • Winners will be conferred the SOE Award on a complimentary basis; i.e. no payment is required to receive the Award
  • If selected as an Award Honouree, the entrepreneur must be present at the SOE Awards to accept the Award during the Presentation Ceremony
  • Nominees agree that SOE has the right to feature/publish their stories and interview transcripts on the SOE website and in related collateral
  • SOE will not pay any royalties to nominees and honourees for publishing their stories

Judging Criteria

All nominees will be assessed based on the following:


  • Focuses on the organisation’s leadership, mission, vision and values, governance system as well as responsibility to the community and the environment


  • Focuses on the development and implementation of strategic plans based on the organisation’s external environment and internal capabilities. The plans should address current and future challenges as well as the organisation’s mission and vision


  • Focuses on how the potential of employees is effectively harnessed to achieve excellence


  • Focuses on how the organisation understands market and customer requirements, and future trends to build relationships with customers and create superior customer experiences

Entrepreneur’s Personality and Business Profile
Financial Performance

  • Focuses on organisation’s long term sustainability

Click here to submit the Nominee Registration Form for SOE Awards 2025, under the Established or Startup categories. You will be able to access and download the Nomination Kit as well.

For applications under the new Micro-business category, click here to submit the Nominee Registration Form and download the Nomination Kit for Micro-businesses.

Please note you are required to sign in to a Google account to access the forms.

Registration for the SOE Awards 2025 nominations will close on 14 March 2025.